Jun 25, 2016

[Video] Scrubborne - Childhood's Beginning

Scrubborne's journey has finally come to an end where he meets a giant flying space spaghetti monster. However, even upon defeating the monster, the universe's questions remain unanswered. Questions, such as, are you a kid or a squid now?

Boss: Moon Presence (月の魔物)
Attempts made against the boss: 1

Game: Bloodborne (ブラッドボーン)
Platform: PS4
Recording Date: 05 Feb 2016

Jun 24, 2016

[Video] Scrubborne - Honouring Wishes

One must die and one must live. No victory, no defeat. The survivor will carry on the fight.

Boss: Gehrman, the First Hunter (最初の狩人、ゲールマン)
Attempts made against the boss: 1

Game: Bloodborne (ブラッドボーン)
Platform: PS4
Recording Date: 05 Feb 2016

Jun 23, 2016

[Video] Scrubborne - Yharnam Sunrise

Dante Van Hellsing has come to accept Gehrman's offer for he has lived through the hunt and is ready to find his worth in the waking world.

Game: Bloodborne (ブラッドボーン)
Platform: PS4
Recording Date: 05 Feb 2016

Jun 18, 2016

[Video] Scrubborne - Slightly Damp Nurse

As Dante Van Hellsing progressed through the eerie Mergo's Loft, he heard the sounds of the truest horror of them all - baby cries. Oh yeah, some faceless Grim Reaper rip-off happened to be there as well.

Boss: Mergo's Wet Nurse (メルゴーの乳母)
Attempts made against the boss: 1

Game: Bloodborne (ブラッドボーン)
Platform: PS4
Recording Date: 05 Feb 2016

Jun 11, 2016

[Video] Scrubborne - Poison Cheese

Despite all my rage, I am still just Nicolash Cage.

Boss: Micolash, Host of the Nightmare (悪夢の主、ミコラーシュ)
Attempts made against the boss: 1

Game: Bloodborne (ブラッドボーン)
Platform: PS4
Recording Date: 04 Feb 2016

Jun 4, 2016

[Video] Scrubborne - Killing Rom's Girlfriend

As Dante Van Hellsing walked into the Altair of Despair, little did he know that Ebrietas isn't the real challenge here. It's the game's goddamn camera.

Boss: Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos (星の娘、エーブリエタース)
Attempts made against the boss: 3-5(?)

Game: Bloodborne (ブラッドボーン)
Platform: PS4
Recording Date: 01 Feb 2016

Jun 2, 2016

[Video] Scrubborne - That's an Ayylien

I love how subtle Bloodborne is. I wonder what waits ahead. A blooby thing? What the hell does that mean? Oh... Oh, no...

Boss: Celestial Emissary (星界からの使者)
Attempts made against the boss: 3-4(?)

Game: Bloodborne (ブラッドボーン)
Platform: PS4
Recording Date: 01 Feb 2016