May 28, 2016

[Video] Scrubborne - Corpse Party

In hindsight, I  probably should have called this video "The Human Centipede" or something. Have fun getting that image out of your head.

Boss: The One Reborn (再誕者)
Attempts made against the boss: 1

Game: Bloodborne (ブラッドボーン)
Platform: PS4
Recording Date: 31 Jan 2016

May 21, 2016

[Video] Scrubborne - Chill, Logarius...

As Dante Van Hellsing explored the roof of the Cainhurst Castle, he felt chills going across his back. Perhaps it was the cold, cruel heart of Martyr Logarius nearby or maybe it was just the sodding blizzard. Yeah, must be the blizzard.

Boss: Martyr Logarius (殉教者ローゲリウス)
Attempts made against the boss: 2

Game: Bloodborne (ブラッドボーン)
Platform: PS4
Recording Date: 30 Jan 2016

May 20, 2016

[Video] Scrubborne - How's it feel, Amy?

To be a bitch...

Nothing special, just walked in and whacked the boss with my big and powerful sword ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) That and dodging space lasers.

Boss: Amygdala (アメンドーズ)
Attempts made against the boss: 2

Game: Bloodborne (ブラッドボーン)
Platform: PS4
Recording Date: 28 Jan 2016

May 14, 2016

[Video] Scrubborne - Rom, the Baka Spider

Skip to 2:00 if you wish to go straight to the boss fight.

The challenge of this boss fight is to be patient as one reckless moment can insta-kill you. Not a particularly exciting video description, eh? I wish I could come up with a story about Dante Van Hellsing killing a slugman who shakes his fist at the sky, meteor-spiders and so on, but I had to wake up early today so tough luck. Daylight completely kills any creative drive I may possess.

Boss: Rom, the Vacuous Spider (白痴の蜘蛛、ロマ)
Attempts made against the boss: 4-8(?)

Game: Bloodborne (ブラッドボーン)
Platform: PS4
Recording Date: 26 Jan 2016

May 6, 2016

[Video] Scrubborne - Witches Be Bitches

By the time Dante Van Hellsing had finally made his way to the Witch of Hemwick, he had replaced his trusty Hunter's Axe with the Ludwig's Holy Blade which had now become his new weapon of choice.

Luckily the witches proved to be no challenge to our hero as he had already heard tales of the truth behind the witch's sorcery.

Boss: The Witch of Hemwick (ヘムウィックの魔女)
Attempts made against the boss: 1

Game: Bloodborne (ブラッドボーン)
Platform: PS4
Recording Date: 23 Jan 2016

May 4, 2016

[Video] Scrubborne - Darkbeats Pearl: Electric Boogaloo

After hearing numerous horror stories about the difficulty of Darkbeast Paarl, it was finally time for Dante Van Hellsing to confront the beast. With Old Hunter Defector Antal at his side, Dante was taken aback by how overstated the difficulty of this boss fight was. With Antal serving as a distraction, Dante was able to get right under Paarl and injure its legs, showing no respect to the beast and making Paarl a relatively easy prey.

Boss: Darkbeast Paarl (黒獣パール)
Attempts made against the boss: 1

Game: Bloodborne (ブラッドボーン)
Platform: PS4
Recording Date: 23 Jan 2016