Jun 21, 2017

DarkDante14’s YouTube Thread

Hey there and welcome to my super exciting mildly stimulating YouTube channel’s introduction thread where I’m pretty much just trying to shill my YouTube channel for a couple of extra views and self-gratification. Wait, I wasn’t supposed to say that out loud, was I? 

Anyhow, I thought I might as well share some of my proudest work (which is not a lot, admittedly, but still) and I plan on periodically updating this thread every time I upload something that I consider worth shilling coupled up with small descriptions featuring my partially sleep deprived humour.

So what kind of videos I make? Gaming-related videos of course, you silly goose. Oh, you meant what type of gaming videos? Well, see for yourself below:

Despite what the name implies, “Dante Plays” are not my Let’s Play videos. Instead, they are videos that feature cleverly almost competently edited video game clips that contain various goofy things and/or glitches that I personally found funny or odd enough to share with the rest of the world. Sometimes a “Dante Plays” video summarizes a game in a nutshell like with my Battlefield 4 Singleplayer video. Other times it’s just a glitch compilation with snarky captions added and inconsistent font choices. 

To be honest, even I don’t know what “Dante Plays” actually is. Perhaps, it’s a missed branding opportunity as to how I could have called my actual Let’s Plays or perhaps it’s just whatever bullshit I came up with after cutting together 27 gigabytes worth of SharePlay footage. Who knows?

Ah yes, just like 99% of the rest of the gaming related YouTube channels, I too have attempted my hand at the art of Let’s Plays. So far I’ve only done two LPs (mostly due to laziness and technical limitations), but I definitely plan on doing more. 

My most recent LP is of a game that no one has ever heard of before and I’d like to change that. The Sniper 2 is easily one of the best worst video games I’ve ever played. Released on Sony PlayStation 2 for only 2100 Yen (around 20$), The Sniper 2 is a prime example of a cheap cash grab that somehow still manages to be more entertaining and endearing than some greyish brown AAA games like MoH Doorfighter. Oh, did I mention it uses Comic Sans as its subtitle font choice?

I also did a Let’s Play of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 singleplayer, but the first five parts have terrible audio quality, so let’s not talk about that one. 

Have you ever wondered how to recreate the greatest waifu in Bloodborne using the terrible in-game’s character creator? No? What is wrong with you!? Well, fret not because I made an entire guide video with step by step instructions and it features my super annoying sexy Eastern European accent. I might do a couple more guide videos in the future, I might not – who knows?

If you’ve somehow gotten this far (assuming you actually read all that crap and didn’t just cheat by scrolling down to the last bit), you might have noticed I have a somewhat sarcastic sense of humour. Sometimes, this “sense of humour” translates into random bullshit videos that may or may not be funny. No guarantees - you get what you pay for and my videos are free ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I hope this thread gives you an insight about my channel on YouTube and the descriptions gave you, at the very least, a sensible chuckle.  Feel free to leave comments or bother me on social media like Twitter to which I’ll leave “useful links” below. Just click on the images to get redirected either to my YouTube page or Twitter account. Or not... Fine, be that way!  

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